1. Do I have to have a costume to participate in VSC events?
No. We like to be as close as is practical to the era, thus people usually begin building their vintage wardrobe as soon as they get involved. Most members take as much time as their resources allow to put together their clothing and accessories. If you can make an effort to dress in something that looks old-timey, that's just fine. You can even dress in modern clothes that emulate the style, e.g., jeans and cotton shirt with a vest, or a "Gunny Sax" dress. If you are serious about accuracy, we can help you with that, too. Some of our members have done extensive studies in clothing of the era. See the photo gallery for ideas of what is worn. By the way, we think of a "costume" as something you wear on Halloween, and prefer to think of our clothes as vintage wardrobe or historic attire.
2. Where can I get appropriate vintage wardrobe?
There are many possibilities. If you are handy with a needle, the least costly source is to make it yourself. There are many patterns inspired from all eras available for you to make authentic clothing. If you prefer to buy ready-made, there are many sources available. Several websites of excellent suppliers are listed on our How to Become a Victorian page. You can often find accessories in antique shops at very reasonable prices.
3. Can you perform a demonstration of vintage dancing for our school or event?
Yes. That's what we do best - subject to the availability of volunteers on your time and date. We have a program that is instructional and entertaining to give children and adults alike a flavor for life in the 19th century. CONTACT US for more information and to set up a time to discuss options.
4. How do I become a member?
You can pay for your membership online HERE, or you print out the membership application form and follow the instructions.
5. What is the official Colorado state folk dance?
Okay, so it's never really been asked, but here's the answer anyway.
The Square Dance was adopted as the official state folk dance on March 16, 1992 by an act of the General Assembly. Square dancing is the American folk dance which traces its ancestry to the English country dance and the French ballroom dance, and which is called, cued, or prompted to the dancers and includes squares, rounds, clogging, contra, line, and heritage dances. Citation: House Bill 1058, 1992; Colorado Revised Statute 24-80-909.5.