Paid Membership or Mailing List
Thank you for your interest in the Victorian Society of Colorado. If you're a member, a very special thank you!
Click HERE to ADD or EDIT your information in our database. Before creating a new username, please research that you don't already have a profile created by a VSC volunteer. If you receive our Calendar emails, then you have a profile already. Contact Nico to ask for your username.
To find out about the benefits of a membership with the Victorian Society of Colorado and to pay for one, please click HERE.
Thank you for any extra donations, which you can make HERE.
Membership dues, and any donation beyond membership dues, help to reserve event venues prior to receiving ticket revenues. Our goal is to increase reserves to rent a years’ worth of venues for our Year-At-A-Glance calendar. The dues also pay for the liability insurance, website, PO Box, Printing and all general expenses. We are an100% volunteer run 501 (c) 4, non-profit. All donations go directly to club expenses.